Royal Learning

Where Children Are
Treated Like Royalty

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Preschool Schedule & Curriculum This schedule is subject to change during special event days and activities

6:00am - 7:45am

Arrival and Daily Inspection

We love starting the day with a good morning! How are you? Upon arrival, the children use hand sanitizer or wash their hands, temperatures are check and a health screening is performed by both the receiving staff member and parent.

7:45am - 8:00am

Clean up, toileting, washing hands to prepare for breakfast

To prepare for breakfast the children put away manipulatives and wash their hands.

8:00am - 9:00am

Breakfast is Served (Cut off @ 8:55)

The balanced nutritious breakfast we serve includes at a minimum a grain and fruit with a serving of milk. Our children love their breakfast with some meat!

9:00am - 9:05am

Wash – Up

After eating it’s time to prepare for an eventful lesson. The children toilet and wash their hands.

9:05am - 9:35am

Small Group Activities/Circle Time

The children sit in small groups to review things they’ve learned and are introduced to new ones. During this time we shake things up a bit to sing, play with blocks, explore dramatic play, improve fine motor skills and manipulation.

9:35am - 10:35am

Learning Center Activities

Learning is always fun as the children explore math, science, the listening center, computers, and creative art.

10:35am - 11:15am

Outdoor Activities (Free Play)

The real fun happens on the playground, our extended classroom. So much happens here including climbing, painting, running, biking, water play, jumping, gardening, easel time, large motor activities, and exploring table toys

11:15am - 11:45am

Indoor Activities

The children wind down a bit as they wait for their lunch. They love to engage in group games, storytelling time, singing, music, and movement.

11:45am - 12:00pm

Clean up and Wash up for Lunch

Before the children do anything else, we line time up at the door and have each child wash theirs before moving to the next activity and prepare for lunch.

12:00am - 12:45pm

Lunch is Served

The balanced nutritious lunch we serve includes a grain, meat, fruit, and vegetable with a serving of milk. Our children enjoy a variety of meals.

12:45pm - 1:00pm

Wash-up/Toileting/Brush Teeth

After eating it’s time to prepare for a nap. The children toilet and wash their hands. At times we implement teeth brushing during this period as well.

1:00pm - 3:00pm


Our nap time is a peaceful moment for the children, so we encourage parents to call the center when coming to pick up the children between these hours.

3:00pm - 3:15pm


The children toilet and wash their hands to prepare for a snack.

3:15pm - 3:45pm

Afternoon Snack

A light snack is served to satisfy those little appetites until they are picked up.

3:45pm - 4:30pm

Outdoor Activities (Free Play)

The real fun happens on the playground, our extended classroom. So much happens here including climbing, painting, running, biking, water play, jumping, gardening, easel time, large motor activities, and exploring table toys

4:30pm - 4:45pm

Clean up/Put Away Toys

After playing for some time the children assist by putting toys away as the staff does some cleaning. The children then line up and wash their hands as the day begins to wind down.

4:45pm - 5:15pm

Individual Small Group Activities/Circle Time

We use this opportunity to review and practice what the children learned throughout the day. The children enjoy some dramatic play, songs, blocks, fine motor skills, manipulation, and doing homework.

5:15pm - 5:45pm

Quiet Time

The children visits our library, play with puzzles & manipulatives or watch children videos while waiting to be picked up.

5:45pm - 6:00pm

Wash-up/Toileting/Center Closes

Each child is encouraged to use the toilet and/or watch their hands before leaving the center and saying their goodbyes for the day.